Project information:

Názov projektu_SK:      Ekohydrologická obnova rašelinísk v Karpatoch

Názov projektu_EN:     Ecohydrological Restoration of Peatlands in the Carpathians

Číslo projektu:                 ACC04P02

Programme Title:           Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Applicant:                        State Nature Conservancy  of the Slovak Republic


NGO DAPHNE – Institute of Applied Ecology   (Partner 1)

PRO POPULO Poprad manages forest and agricultural land owned by the Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Spišské Podhradie (Partner 2)

Municipality of town Spišská Belá (Partner 3)

NINA – Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (Partner 4)

Project realization :         02/2022 – 04/2022

Budget:                                983 725,00  EUR


The Ecohydrological Restoration of Peatlands in the Carpathians benefits from a € 983 725,00  grant  from Norway through the Norway Grants. The project has been co-financed from the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 147 593,00 €. The aim of the project is to reduce CO2 emissions by restoring degraded peatlands and regenerating their function as carbon sinks. The project will deal with restoration of 12 peatland sites in Slovakia to stop their degradation by realisation of well targeted hydrological restoration measures and applying climate-responsible peatland management on area  352.18 ha (3,521,800 m2). Pilot sites will be used for demonstration of best-practice peatland management to relevant stakeholders on local and national scale. Best-practice guidelines for sustainable management of forested peatlands on local and national level will be prepared on the basis of its testing on project sites. Awareness about peatland related climate change mitigation and adaptation measures will be increased.  Working with and involving relevant local stakeholders and local communities will ensure the long-term sustainability of the project.


Preparation of restoration plans for 12 peatland localities

1       Spišskoteplické slatiny

2       Tisovnica

3       Trstinné lúky

4       Sivá Brada

5       Bariny

6       Krivý kút

7       Medzi bormi

8       Boserpalské mláky

9      Makoviská

10    Havrania dolina

11     Hanšpíle

12    Klinské rašelinisko